Climate Change Policies

The policy section of our carnival will involve an interactive role- playing game which gives humor and drama to policy and political information. We would like policy to become exciting and fun while still being informative.

Our game will focus on creating a playful, safe boxing match in a large inflatable arena where the audience can actually join in. The audience will be invited to box “a climate change denier” in the ring. Our staff will be dressed up in clownish costumes portraying politicians, while our audience will be allowed to don a research lab coat and goggles, as well as their inherent logic and supportive research of the vast majority of the scientific community.

All participants will be offered popcorn in a recyclable paper bag from the University of Utah Archaeology Department as they enjoy the carnival. The Hinckley Institute has also agreed to host a table next to our event to help register voters before they join in the show if they would like, which alongside our good natured political banter around the event, we hope will create public political action.

The Policy Team includes: Alec Bang, Eden Merkley, Hannah Scofield, and Stefania Wilks 

Climate Smackdown Policies

  • No groin shots or strikes to the back of the head
  • All players wear full costume at all times;
    • if any part of your costume falls off, the referee will yell ‘break,’ and match will resume after putting it back on
  • When referee yells ‘break’ or a bell is rung, players are to disengage from fight
  • Only 2 players allowed in the ring at a time, excluding referee
  • Boxing time will be limited to 5 minute round(s)
    • Judges will decide if players can rematch if players desire
  • If an unintentional foul (clashing of heads, groin shot) occurs, the match is over
  • Stay cool! Leave your pride outside the ring
  • Before and after the match, players are to shake hands
  • There is no ill intent, just pure learning and having FUN!




To provide a traditional carnival concession treat that doesn’t require excessive singleuse packaging, and is also prepared beforehand to conserve energy.


Given to players that have boxed each other in GLOBAL JUSTICE ring to promote engagement and serve as a reminder to reuse and reduce.

Voter Registration:

Voter registration information and registration will be available to give a sense of community, ownership, and act as the first step to actively implementing real change.